Thursday, November 27, 2008

thanksgiving 2008

today started early as i woke at 3:30 to take some photos. i grabbed my son, james (who'd expressed interest in accompanying me), and off we went. i'm thankful for all that i have and all that i don't (thank you, God). my family and i are in a new house (home) and i'm still moving, sorting, and culling art stuff from the old house. i'll no longer have a free-standing "quartito" (literally, "little quarters/house) for painting and music, but with a three-car garage, i'll have enough space to create something.

the idea of creating something brings me to the realization that i am, perhaps, more lazy than creative, but i do have the urge to take, edit, and print digital photos, so that's a good sign. painting is another matter (as in art matters, correct?). i like the immediacy of the digital image as i take the shots and i'm of the belief that one needn't concentrate so much on the technical aspects of the medium; rather the means take care of themselves. my urge is to respond to the local stimuli provided by artificial light and resultant shadows and color in a town that seems to be on life-support. i shared some recent images with a friend who remarked that they reminded him of poverty. it made me stop (for a second) and wonder about that.

anyway, my in-laws are to arrive shortly, so i'd best get to posting images. this blog is supposed to be about art isn't it?